SUMMER 2024 HTA Volunteer Projects and Events
Please email [email protected] if you are interested in being on the volunteer list for future HTA Trail Projects.
Fraser Valley Mountain Bike Coalition (FVMTB) Dig Days 2024
HTA will be partnering with FVMTB every other Wednesday evening throughout the summer to provide critical maintenance to our trail systems. Dates and projects are listed below:
June 5th: Yankee Doodle Brushing and Tread Restoration
June 19th: Razzmatazz Drainage, Retread, and Turn Improvements
July 3rd: Razmatazz Drainage, Retread, and Turn Improvements
July 17th: Razzmataz Drainage, Retread, and Turn Improvements
July 31st: WTB Drainage, Retread, and Turn Improvements
August 14th: South Fork Loop Turnpike Expansion
August 28th: Upper Arrow Turn Improvements
September 11th: TBD
September 25th: TBD
If you are interested in joining any of the above FVMTB projects, please contact [email protected].